Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Pbsl1114Cardiovascular Dynamics Laboratory Report

PBSL1114 Physiology for Human Movement Cardiovascular Dynamics Laboratory Report Student ID 2010004614 Due date and Value: This report must be submitted as a soft copy via email to [email  protected] hk no later than 5:00 pm 4 April 2012. Penalties apply for late submission, see course outline for details. You must attend the laboratory session to get a mark for the related report. References used when answering questions must appear in a reference list at the end of your report. Value: This report contributes 10% of your final grade. RESULTS Subject name: Cheng Yat HinSex: 0MF (circle)Age: 21 Table 1. Heart Rate (HR), sitting, lying and standing Time (min)HR (b. min-1) Sitting HR (readings 3 minutes post-sitting BP determination)3:0075 3:0577 3:1080 3:1580 3:2080 3:2580 3:3076 Mean sitting HR78. 29 Lying HR (5 minutes after lying down)5:0070 5:0570 5:1068 5:1568 5:2070 5:2569 5:3069 Mean Lying HR69. 14 Standing HR- immediately after standing from lying0:00104 -10 sec after standin g from lying0:1084 – 20 sec after standing from lying0:2086 – 30 sec after standing from lying0:3088 Standing HR- 2 min after standing from lying80 Table 2.Blood Pressure (BP), sitting, lying and standing. BP readerSystolic BP (mmHg)Diastolic BP (mmHg)MAP (mmHg) Sitting BP11227490 21207489. 33 31237188. 33 41237289 51217489. 67 Mean sitting BP121. 87389. 27 Sitting BP (automated BP monitor)1087082. 67 Trial Lying BP 11035269 2985670 Mean Lying BP100. 55469. 5 Standing BP Standing BP – ASAP after standing from lying12989102. 33 Standing BP – 2 min after standing from lying1208395. 33 Rebreathing air from a paper bag. Resting sitting HR pre-breathing into bag:75 (b. min-1) HR after 30 seconds breathing into bag: 70 (b. in-1) HR after 120 seconds breathing into bag:75 (b. min-1) Human diving response. Water Temperature: 17 o C HR (b. min-1)Systolic BP (mmHg)Diastolic BP (mmHg)MAP (mm Hg) Pre-immersion (immersion position)711187388 At 30-sec immersion (1)4314 67699. 33 At 30-sec immersion (2)511298197 Average deviation of immersion values from pre-immersion value-2419. 56. 510. 165 QUESTIONS (marks shown in brackets: total = 30, percent of final grade = 10%): Answers must not be longer than the number of lines stated at the end of each question (10 pt font minimum).Answers exceeding the stated limits will receive a mark of zero. Use your own words. This is an individual report. Plagiarism (e. g. , copying or lending answers, not referencing sources) will be penalized. Marks will be deducted if you break any of these rules. Include the references you used in a list at the end of your report. 1. Marks for data recording (correctly/neatly) and calculations (DO NOT ANSWER) _____ (5) 2. Are the relationships between resting values for HR while lying, sitting and standing (2-minute post-lying value) what would be expected?Justify your response. (maximum 4 line response) (5 marks) From lying to sitting to standing, the resting HR is expected to increase, which the effect is shown in the subject (lying mean value = 69. 14 bpm, sitting mean value = 78. 29 bpm and standing after 2 min = 80 bpm). From lying to sitting to standing, more blood is pulled downward by gravity to the lower part of the body, making less venous return thus lowering the stroke volume. To compensate the decrease of SV thus to maintain the cardiac output, HR increases. 3.Are the relationships between resting values for BP while lying, sitting and standing (2-minute post-lying value) what would be expected? Justify your response. (maximum 4 line response) (5 marks) The blood pressure should gradually rise from lying to sitting to standing, which is observed in the subject (MAP of lying: 69. 5mmHg, sitting: 82. 67 mmHg and standing: 95. 33 mmHg). From lying to sitting to standing, more blood is pulled downward by gravity to the lower part of the body. To push the blood upward so as to maintain enough blood flow to the brain, blood pressure needs to increa se for working against the effect of gravity. . Explain the changes observed in HR and BP during the period following the subject moving from lying to standing. (maximum 4 line response) (5 marks) When the subject moving from lying to standing, BP should drop momentarily and HR should rise. The drop in BP is due to the pooling of blood in the lower part of the body. After sensing the drop in BP, the baroreceptor increases HR by the control of SNS and PNS. Then BP should rise again as the result of increased HR. The change is not seen in the subject. It might be due to other factors like the psychological factors masking the effect, or errors in measurement. . Were the observed changes in HR when your subject was rebreathing air from a paper bag as expected? Explain your answer with reference to what was expected and why. (maximum 4 line response)(5 marks) The rise in HR is expected when the subject is rebreathing air. The expectation is due to the increased CO2 concentration in the expired air will increase the blood PCO2, which be noticed by the chemoreceptors in carotid and aortic bodies. The receptors will then relay the information to CNS and indirectly leads to the increase in HR by autonomic nervous system.But the effect is not observed in the subject. 6. What is the human diving response? Did your subject show the diving response? (maximum 4 line response)(5 marks) Human diving response is the increase in MAP and decrease in HR as a result of breath holding and the reflex after the face touched water. This is done by the increased parasympathetic activities to the heart pacemaker cells (lower HR), increased sympathetic activities to limbs leading to vasoconstriction in the limbs (increase MAP). The subject showed the diving response, as there is a egative change in HR and a positive change in MAP 30s after immersion List of references used 1. http://ep. physoc. org/content/23/1/1. full. pdf+html 2. http://www. livestrong. com/article/307646-posture-hear t-rate/ 3. http://www. livestrong. com/article/268891-heart-rate-body-positions/ 4. http://www. livestrong. com/article/299614-blood-pressure-supine-vs-standing/ 5. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Aortic_body 6. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Cartoid_body 7. http://www. mendeley. com/research/mechanism-human-diving-response/

Confucious Said “One Who Learns Without Thinking Is Lost; One Who Thinks Without Learning Is in Great Danger”

Throughout the day, we think about activities we plan to do or learn from the activities that we do, but thinking about the activity does not mean we are also learning about the activity, nor does learning about the activity mean we are thinking about the activity. To think would be to have a belief about something, to reflect on something or to put something into consideration. To learn would be to remember something or to obtain knowledge through experience, studies or being taught. Confucius is quoted to have said that â€Å"one who learns without thinking is lost; one who thinks without learning is in great danger†.Confucius is correct with this description of people who focus on learning or thinking much more than the other. It is necessary to both think and learn, and to understand the reasons for why we need to. When one only learns but does not think about what one has learned can make the knowledge confusing, misleading or useless. One who learns a lot but does not th ink for one’s self how to apply it and how it is important to them will not fully understand how that knowledge works. When one does not fully understand the knowledge, they can get confused as to what the outcome of the learning process was to be.I know this to be realistic because when I learn about stem cells in biology class, I am also taught the uses of stem cells, which leads me to think about how ethical it is to create embryos to research their embryonic stem cells and then to destroy the embryos. I understand the importance of the knowledge I learned better and am able to remember the knowledge more easily because it was a relatable and clear idea that I could apply to my day-to-day life, because I thought about the application of the knowledge.Learning in addition to thinking is better than to only learn or to only think. To only think and form thoughts without first obtaining information about the subject of those thoughts can offend others who have learned and giv en thought to the subject. One who solely thinks but does not try to learn facts to make their thoughts reasonable has a high possibility of getting into disagreements with people who have facts to back up their thoughts, if one expresses their thoughts.When someone with their own thoughts, who has also learned of reasons to support these thoughts, meets someone who has set beliefs that aren’t based on anything they have learned, the person with no facts to back up their argument will be, as Confucius said, â€Å"in great danger† of losing the argument. In classes like History and Social Studies, we, the students, have to learn about current events and history in order to make reasonable opinions about the material and issues. I have been in and have witnessed debates where there must be textual or factual evidence in order for the opinions to be solid.The learning involved with proving thoughts to be more correct or convincing is beneficial when utilized in fair amoun ts. A wholesome balance comes from learning about what one thinks, and thinking about what one learns in fair amounts. It is not healthy to have an excess of one thing and not another that would help balance it out, as proven by science and demonstrated by many health problems such as cavities from an excess of sugar. As learning and thinking are both important, it is important to balance out these two actions.Learning to form thoughts, and thinking about what we have learned are two things that work like a cycle. If you learn, you should think, and if you think you should also learn about what you are thinking of, which cancels and balances each other out. Even so, in some cases, these two do not balance as well as they should. Although to learn and think simultaneously has its advantages, it also has disadvantages. When a person is to learn in addition to think, they may become biased or distracted in their processing of the knowledge for use.A wildlife biologist who studies wildl ife in Africa may learn a great deal of the animals and the environment. Eventually, they learn about the warning signs and data that display that the wildlife is dying. If this wildlife biologist thinks too much about how sad this is, and is emotionally impaired from continuing their duties and helping with the improvement of the environment and living conditions, they could stop working in that field of science. A person who thinks, but does not learn as much as they think, is more free to form genuine opinions uninfluenced by what they could learn as the correct, acceptable mindset.Learning the common mindset could be a result of conformity, and not for the good of the thinker. To both learn and think isn’t absolutely the best but is relatively better than to be ignorant and unconscious. It is important to understand why we should learn about what we think, and to think about what we learn. It makes us more knowledgeable. It helps us defend ourselves better. It creates a h ealthy balance between our focus on absorbing knowledge and our focus on how this knowledge will help us and the world. To learn and to think is to be educated, and education is necessary in our world.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Christian Leader Audit Sample Essay

The Christian Leader Audit helps determine the overall strength of the leader as a Christian. Is the leader a strong Christian leader, above average Christian leader and so on? As Malphurs exclaims, as Christian leaders our â€Å"mandate is to lead Christianly regardless of the context.† This audits one’s commitment to Christ, godly character, reliance on God and ability to live by example. I scored a nine on the audit and according to my score I am a strong Christian leader. Practicing servant leadership was a given for me. It has always been a passion of mine to serve others in any way possible. I have always believed that you must lead by example. In student ministry this often means that I look for opportunities to serve students so that they can see in living color what being a servant looks like. Some examples would be sharing what I have with students. I find that any time I can share a meal with someone or share some money with someone in need that this a great opportunity for me to lead by example. Often, I find myself not just asking others to clean up but I join them in cleaning up. I try to make sure that I never have the attitude that I am â€Å"too good† to do something. As I further reflected on this audit I found that while most of the time I lead by the power of the Holy Spirit there are times when I launch out ahead of the Holy Spirit on my own. I often find myself praying that I would not get ahead of the Spirit but if I am honest I will admit that I get excited or at times frustrated and move out on my own. This was a good reminder for me that I must always be sensitive to God’s Spirit as I lead others making sure that I am staying in stride with God’s Spirit and not pulling ahead or falling behind. Aubrey Malphurs, Being Leaders:The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership, (Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Books:2003), 13.

Monday, July 29, 2019

PetMeds Input Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

PetMeds Input - Essay Example In the pet medication industry, the buying power of customer is high because of the presence of different competing products, other substitutes and less differentiated products (Porter, 1985). Suppliers are another critical input of the organization. PetMed is primarily a marketer of prescription and non-prescription pet medications, and other health products direct to consumers. It does not manufacture its own product. The company purchases its products from different sources such as manufacturers, domestic distributors and wholesalers. Its goal is to obtain the lowest cost of goods by having multiple suppliers for each product. The bargaining power of suppliers is low for the company because it can switch suppliers quickly at a lower cost (Porter, 1985). However, the threat of forward integration where manufacturers would sell their own products directly to consumers and compete with PetMed's products is high. This threat will not guarantee the supply of the company's products to meet customers' demands. Prescription pet medications are governed by state laws and state regulations. PetMed requires different licenses in different states in order to sell and deliver prescription medications. The company's failure in obtaining or renewing such licenses would hamper its sales and cease its distribution of pet medications. Reprimands, sanctions, probations, fines and suspensions from the regulatory bodies could have material adverse effect on the operations of the company and the reputation of its brands. (PetMed Express Inc, 2009) For most industries, the level of profitability is determined by competition between the firms in the industry (Sadler, 2003). Pet medications industry is competitive and highly fragmented. PetMed's industry rivals include veterinarians, traditional retailers, mail-order and online retailers of pet medications. Aggressive price competition occurs because of the diversity of competitors and largely undifferentiated products. The sales performance of the PetMed will be greatly affected the sales performance of their competition. Resources The resources are the individual assets of the firm which includes human resource, capital resource, technology, information and brand name(Sadler, 2003). PetMed offers its products through the Internet, contact center and direct mail-order catalogues. Customer care representatives and marketing employees are essential to the operations of the company in retaining and expanding the customer base. Effective training sessions of their representatives become a competitive advantage of the company against its rivals. The marketing activities are aimed at building brand recognition, increasing customer traffic and building strong customer loyalty (Best, 1997). As a marketer, PetMed exploits the different technologies available to promote their products. This includes television advertising, direct mail, email and online marketing. The brand is made available to Internet consumers by purchasing targeted keywords and optimizing search engine placement. As a distributor, the company has an in-house fulfillment and distribution system that manages the entire supply chain. As a retailer, it utilizes integrated technologies in call centers, e-commerce, order entry, and inventory control. The technology and information

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Mechanism of Dis2 Phosphorylation by Chk1 and Cell Cycle Dissertation

The Mechanism of Dis2 Phosphorylation by Chk1 and Cell Cycle Regulation - Dissertation Example PP1 and its role as a mitotic checkpoint xxxii 1.6. PP1 and cell cycle control xxxiv 1.7. Importance of regulatory subunits and their role in diseases xxxv 1.8. Human paralogues of Dis2 xli 1.9. Conclusion xliv Chapter 2 xlvii Materials and Methods xlvii 2.1. Preparation of media xlvii 2.2. Preparation of buffers xlviii 2.3. Preparation of stain l 2.4. Preparation of normal SDS-PAGE buffer and gels l 2.5. Preparation of PEMS solutions liii 2.6. Preparation of protein extracts for use in SDS-PAGE liv 2.7. Running of SDS-PAGE: lvii 2.8. Construction of yeast strains lviii 2.9. Preparation of membrane lx 2.10. Chk1-HA shift experiment lx 2.11. TCA protein extraction lxii 2.12. Immune localization of proteins in yeast cells lxiv 2.13. Drop test lxviii 2.14. Preparation of cells for imaging lxix 2.15. Acute cell survival lxxi Chapter 3 lxxiv Results lxxiv 3.1. Dephosphorylation of Chk1 at 40Â °C is not affected by Dis2 phosphatase lxxiv 3.2. Dephosphorylation of Hus1 at 40Â ° lxxviii 3. 3. Hypersensitivity to DNA damaging agent lxxxi 3.4. Structural changes to cells lxxxiv 3.5. Study on cell survival lxxxvi 3.6. Identification of hus1 isoforms xcii 3.7. Comparison of Dis2 with other proteins xciv Chapter 4 xcix Discussion xcix 4.1. Conclusion civ 5. Appendix cvi 5.1. Appendix – 1 Multiple sequence alignment of dis2 protein cvi 5.2. Appendix – 2 Alignment of dis2 from S. pombe with human protein serine/threonine phosphatase cviii 5.3. Appendix - 3 Significance sequence alignment of protein serine/threonine phosphatase-1 cxi Acknowledgment This thesis was made possible by the unrelenting support of my supervisors and peers. I thank the university and the department for providing me with the technical as well as educational support apart from laboratory facilities for carrying out this research. It has been a great pleasure to complete this thesis under the support and guidance of my professors. Hypothesis Chk1 kinase is phosphorylated at serine 345 in r esponse to DNA damage. Dis2 dephosphorylated this residue slowly when cells recover from a DNA damage-induced cell cycle arrest. A rise in temperature from 30Â °C to 40Â °C results in the rapid dephosphorylation of S345 by a yet unknown phosphatase. The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the requirement of Dis2 for the heat-induced phosphorylation and to investigate the cell cycle roles of this enzyme. Other phosphor-proteins such as Hus1 and Rad9 are also investigated. 1. Abstract Protein phosphatases are a group of enzymes which have very specific role in biological cell activities. Dis2 is a PP1 enzyme (serine-threonine phosphatase-1) which plays a key role in regulation of DNA damage signaling. Fission yeast Dis2 regulates the DNA damage respons by dephosphorylation of chk1 kinase at Ser 345. In eukaryotic cells, phosphorylation mainly occurs on three hydroxyl-containing amino acids, namely – serine, threonine, and tyrosine, of which serine is the predominant target. Dis2 dephosphorylates the DNA damage checkpoint kinase Chk1 (at Ser-345) to switch off the checkpoint signal. Interestingly, heat stress results in very rapid removal of the phosphate from Ser 345 by a yet unknown phosphatase. Given the requirement of Dis2 for the dephosphorylation of Ser 345 at the normal growth temperature of 30Â °C, this study was conducted to investigate the role of this phosphatase under heat stress condition modification of Ser 345 is easily detected as a band shift of the protein which changes from a closed, low activity conformation

Saturday, July 27, 2019

See below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

See below - Essay Example practices can include joint undertakings in market sharing as well as price fixing.2 Article 81(2) that any such agreement be null and void.3 Article 81(3) however permits a defence by allowing for exemptions in circumstances where the undertaking is made for technological advancement and can provide consumers with a â€Å"fair share† of the market.4 Exemtions are also applicable if the undertaking and not unreasonably restrain trade.5 Upon an even narraow interpretation of Article 81(3) it is obvious that joint enterprises do not incur strict liability. In other words evidence of collusion will not be sufficient to substantiate a claim of anti-trade practices within the meaning of Article 81(3). Moreover, Article 85 of the Treaty of Rome makes provision for the European Commission to investigate suspected infringements of Article 81. This provison by implication not only erodes the strict application of Article 81 anti-competitive collusions, but also places the onus on the Commission to prove an Article 81 infringement. Article 85 provides as follows: â€Å"†¦the Commission shall ensure the application of the principles laid down in Articles 81 and 82. On application by a Member State or on its own initiative, and in cooperation with the competent authorities in the Member States, who shall give it their assistance, the Commission shall investigate cases of suspected infringement of these principles. If it finds that there has been an infringement, it shall propose appropriate measures to bring it to an end.†6 It is obvious that Article 85 places the jurisdiction of anti-trade conduct in violation of Article 81 with the European Commission. Moreover, the investiagtive provision implies that the Commission will have to collect sufficient evidence to satisify itself that an infringement took place that cannot be justified under the proviso contained in Article 81. The European court in NV Samenwerkende Elektriciteits-Produktiebedrijven v Commission of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analysis - Essay Example the orders are taken physically and accordingly sent for processing cleaning activities. In the present system, Abi Dry Cleaners cannot pull higher number of customers. Furthermore, the current system is also quite slow to react to the requests of customers. Due to the ineffectiveness of the manual booking system, Abi Dry Cleaners is unable to exploit the demand of dry cleaning services. The present system maintains a list for different requests of customers which is used for providing dry cleaning services. There are several problems of the present booking system of Abi Dry Cleaners such as only few reservations can be made because of manual process and it also takes huge time for recording the reservations and transactions. There is also an issue of validation in the present booking system. Besides, the employees face difficulties in managing the collection and the date of delivery of services. Furthermore, the present booking system also necessitates considerable paperwork which is quite difficult to manage (Imam, 2005). Consequently, in order to overcome the problems related to the present booking system, an online booking system has been proposed. The online booking system will not only satisfy the existing customers, but will also attract new customers. Furthermore, it will also allow Abi Dry Cleaners to promote its dry cleaning services to a large section of target customer segment, resulting in increased revenue. However, in order to achieve the desired objectives, the online booking system requires reliability, consistency, flexibility and security (Agheorghiesei & Ineson, 2010). In accordance with the requirements of customers, the online booking system would need log in information, contact information, on-going dry cleaning tasks along with their status, estimated time for competition of on-going tasks, customer advice for dry cleaning, organisational history, testimonials,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Context and Truth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Context and Truth - Essay Example It's also the interconnected circumstances in which something exists or happens. It has a major role to play in the sense that it can be as powerful as completely changing the meaning of the said or written to something totally opposite of what the original had been. Context can be categorized into several demographic classes; be it social or political. The thought is that context influences the means we comprehend the term. The truth in its actual meanings is the level of meaningfulness, fact relation, confirmation and level of sincerity. Wherever the 'truth' comes in, the result is either one will staunchly agree to it and will consider it a sin to question or challenge its credibility. But with the evident of the truth, there is also uproar by those who are doubtful about its existence. Either they completely reject the truth or they begin look for answers which makes them believe in that truth. A lot people argue on the truthfulness of something. What actually they are doing is that they are trying to match their desired answers with the ones they already have. This is merely in pursuit of getting ones' self correct in front of others. After all its human nature that one finds it difficult to accept failure. So to maintain one's self respect, to continue to feed one's ego and to fulfill the urge of being superior to others makes one argue on the truthfulness of something. Thus in this case the truth turns out to be something overloaded with certain facts that might have been related to the topic by someone in such a technical way that it looks as the truth in front of the claims placed by others (Taylor, 1998). This is a good way engineering any sort of communication to benefit ones' self and create a wining situation against the competing claims of anyone else. But during this competing what happens is that either the truth becomes distorted or it completely loses its originality. You can understand it by this that consider the truth to an elephant and you ask seven blind men, to touch and feel the elephant and then describe what an elephant looks like. The result will be that each of the seven blind men will think that only he knows what an elephant looks like and thus, only he knows what the truth is. To justify the existence of truth, another approach may be of finding out the best possible answer(s)! Many people will agree on this point. The fact, that though a lot of people know that what is the truth and are having its full availability and awareness. But still these people are in a constant search of truth, is based on the concept of finding what is best. People are in constant search of truth because knowing the truth about life, this world or this universe can give them satisfaction. It can help them in understanding themselves better. Its can help people become productive. It can help us to solve problems that we face in every phase of our life. Extending on the saying "survival of the fittest", the rule is very much applicable to the "Truth" as well. The truth therefore may be also based on an entity's nature, a certain phenomena or even someone else's experiences. This yields truth to be subjective to different aspects. However, this is not the actual case. The truth of any n' every thing is its correctness which can neither be judged by mere proofs nor can be measured on some scale. It is not the truth that

Compare two movies by the characters , transporter 3 and death race Essay

Compare two movies by the characters , transporter 3 and death race - Essay Example (Tasker, pg 4) Characters form an integral part of a movie, but in action movies we find, that priority is given to ‘action over dialogue, characterization or emotion.† These movies are more of â€Å"visually exciting, conceptually shallow entertainment machines.† (Tasker, pg 104) Characters, especially the hero, in such films are known for their physique than their psychology and â€Å"broad sentimentality replaces emotional complexity or depth.’ (Tasker, pg 112) In the two action movies, Death Race 2000 and Transporter, both revolving around cars and car chases, the hero features in almost all the scenes, but he provides no peek into his psyche nor the reasons which drive into the course of action he is in. In Transporter, the hero is â€Å"a compromised man doing good† while in Death Race he is â€Å"a U.S. working man, doomed to wage the proletarian fight.† (White, 2008) The hero is forced to take recourse to certain objectionable means in order to achieve his ends, which often deal with physical violence and races, where victory is achieved through death-defying stunts. Another very important attribute of the hero in an action movie is that he has a heart of gold and would go to any lengths to protect the poor and defenseless. ( White, 2008) is forced to don the mantle of Frankenstein, the victor of death races, broadcast to a depraved public, hungering all the time for action. Jensen has been arrested wrongfully, and is made to take part in the race, staged over three days, where the final goal is to remain the last person alive, in this modern-day gladiatorial spectacle. The prison becomes the arena and the warden is the circus master, who drives the whole contest. Jensen shows that he has a moral streak in him and is ready to do anything which would restore to him his honor and name. He is in prison because he is unemployed, and this futuristic

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Discuss the political, social, and economic consequences of Martin Essay

Discuss the political, social, and economic consequences of Martin Luther - Essay Example The pope, who was considered to be the supreme communicator with God, had considerable sway in the progression of peace, war, etc. As time progressed on, the church became corrupt with power, often restricting the proliferation of scientific works as well as participating in the sale of indulgences. It was not until a man named Martin Luther stepped forward and confronted the dealings of the church that change in the political, social, and economical structures of medieval Europe began to change. Martin Luther published what he termed the Ninety-Five Theses, which talked about the sale of indulgences and keeping information only in those that were trained to read and write in Latin. By doing so, Martin Luther was excommunicated from the church and declared an outlaw. Martin Luther is often credited of starting what became known as the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther’s followers broke off with him from the Christian church and formed what became known as the Protestant re ligion of Christianity. This posed a big change in the arena of how the Christian church played in politics. ... This armed the population with knowledge that had previously been restricted. As a result, the public could now read and form their own opinions on events and research, which occurred during this time period. The biggest economical factor, which was affected due to the Protestant Reformation, was the sale of indulgences. Sales of indulgences was basically a way for the church to earn money through people paying money and essentially buying their way into Heaven. Martin Luther completely disagreed with this saying that people were admitted into Heaven based on the good deeds and merit of their soul that they earned throughout their life. When he shed this information into the light of the public, the church tried to defend themselves and the reason that people were being granted such treatment was because the money was going to fund the churches operations and to continue the spread of Christianity around the world, as was the will of God. Martin Luther was a servant leader of the peo ple. Being a man of God, he felt that it was his duty to point out the corruption within the church and how the Christian church was using it as a way of exploitation. Martin Luther started out without the intent of starting a new religion, but rather hoped in the reformation of the current one. Socially, however, the new church of Protestantism was formed. In addition, society began to learn, as they were no longer left in the dark when it came to the sharing of knowledge. The Protestant Reformation was only a crack in the mirror because as a result of the first major split in Christianity, more would soon follow leading to the many forms of Christianity that exist today. References Spielvogel, J.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Case Study Module 8 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Module 8 - Case Study Example This clinic has sites in Minnesota, Florida, Scottsdale, Arizona, Rochester and Jacksonville (Hawn, 2011). The mission of Mayo Clinic is â€Å"to provide utmost care to every patient each day through built-in research, education and practice.† Collectively, all three locations of Mayo Clinic work together to treat more than half a million patients each year; Mayo, therefore, is supporting the most comprehensive research department so that it can apply its philosophy of â€Å"bringing bench to bedside† and it has developed Mayo College of Medicine to teach and prepare professionals of future medical field (Smith & Gronseth, 2011). In service industry, customers are most important stakeholders and it is vital for companies to provide top quality services to them (Schweikhart, 2009). In case of healthcare industry, each customer needs to be given individual attention and every medical requirement needs to be fulfilled so that everyone is provided utmost care and all mandatory medical services. As an important member of health care industry, Mayo Clinic has made sure that it enhances its service level by trying to improve its entire quality management system (Dudas, 2011). It is important that workforce of Mayo Clinic is provided a conducive work environment along with competent skill development options so that each patient is provided excellent quality services which helps them in recovery at a fast pace and assist them in living a normal and healthy life (Ramlall, Welch, Walter & Tomlinson, 2009). The main problems and issues faced by Mayo Clinic are: 1. Mayo Clinic has high demand for its services but it has inadequate capacity to meet all demands of customers; more than thousands of patients are turned down because of inadequate space for accommodating them. Whenever any organization faces any problem, it is more likely to have an impact on all of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Consider how Shakespeare presents madness Essay Example for Free

Consider how Shakespeare presents madness Essay Consider how Shakespeare presents madness in the play and explain whether you think it does illustrate how, something is rotten in the state of Denmark. One of the main themes in Hamlet is that of madness. Shakespeare conveys madness through not only Hamlet but through other characters as well, such as Ophelia, to covey that that the state of Denmark is rotten. At the beginning of the play, the first thing introduced are the night watchmen seeing the ghost. This is at the beginning because it is the first event in the chain that eventually leads to Hamlet seeking revenge for his fathers death. Although he was upset by his fathers death and his mothers oerhasty marriage, it was the revelation that his father was murdered that he thinks that he must take revenge. When Horatio first speaks to the ghost he recognises that it is unnatural for it to be there; What art thou that unsurpst this time of night, illustrating that he feels that the ghost has wrongfully seized the night. The atmosphere is unsettling and the ghosts unnatural appearance is a sign of the bad things going on in Denmark, especially the court; This bodes some strange eruption to our state. During the times that the play was written, unusual things that happened were seen as a sign that something was not right in the courts; Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. This could be referring either to the whole of Denmark, or just the courts. It is after Hamlet sees the ghost that he decides that he will pretend to be mad; put an antic disposition on, but he does not want his friends to tell anyone what they have seen or that he is feigning madness; Never make known what you have seen tonight, as he believes that this way he can find means to exact his revenge on Claudius for killing his father; And thy commandment all alone shall live within the book and volume of my brain, meaning that all he shall have in his thoughts is how the ghost of his father told him to exact revenge on Claudius. This is the first step in the theme of madness for the play. Although Hamlet clearly says that he will be putting on his madness, it is uncertain whether actually he does go mad during the play, as illustrated in his outbursts towards his mother and Ophelia, and the murder of Polonius. There is much deception during the play, such as Claudius trying to gloss over the fact that he knows that his marriage to Gertrude could be seen as incest by the Church and that Hamlet should have been the rightful heir to the throne; Yet so far hath discretion fought with nature that we with wisest sorrow think on him together with remembrance of ourselves. He says that he is mourning and feels that mourning is appropriate for the old king, but he must think of himself, perhaps hinting at the fact that the death was convenient for him and he has had enough of mourning. This is characteristic of him throughout the play as all he has done and will do is for his own self interest, as when Hamlet asks if he can leave the castle, Claudius refuses, saying; And we beseech you, bend you to remain here in the cheer and comfort of our eye. He appears to be asking him to stay for his comfort, but he actually wants to keep an eye on him because he knows that he is still a threat to him and the throne. He at first seemed to want Hamlet to become like a son to him, but that changes as soon as he realises he could be a threat to him. He also continually uses the words we, our and us to establish himself as the husband of Gertrude and the King of Denmark. Polonius comments; with pious action we do sugar oer the devil himself. To which Claudius replies as an aside; The harlots cheek, beautied with plastering art, is not more ugly to the thing that helps it than is my deed to my most painted word. Claudius admits that he is covering up the truth, continuing the theme of deception, adding to the audiences awareness of the rottenness of Denmark. As there becomes more deception and secrecy throughout the play, it seems that the imagery in the language reflects the deception, and images of disease are used; For the sun breed maggots in a dead dog, being a good kissing carrion. This could be language to refer to how that state of Denmark is rotting, but also Hamlets language seems to reflect his turmoil as he tried to decide what to do about Claudius, and as he gets more frustrated with himself he becomes more abusive towards his mother and Ophelia; You are keen my lord, you are keen. It would cost you a groaning to take off mine edge. He is taunting Ophelia using double meaning. Hamlet is very good at creating double meanings, like when he says to Claudius; I am to much ithsun, which he says as if he is in too much sunshine but also he is saying that he feels too much like Claudiuss son. Later in the play the text says; It will but skin and film the ulcerous place, whiles rank corruption, mining all within, infects unseen. He is saying that corruption, like infection starts within, and the corruption of Denmark will begin with the court. This also links in with madness because madness also starts from within within the mind, and perhaps it is saying that just one unstable mind could bring down all the state. Another way that Shakespeare presents madness in the play is through Ophelia. She goes mad after Hamlet kills her father, but also because of the way Hamlet treated her cruelly. He said to her that he loved her, and there were some hints that he had been intimate with her, but he treats her badly and even tells her that he does not love her. She has been a victim of a corrupt society from Hamlet leaving her and from her father, such as using her as a pawn to spy on Hamlet. After she has become mad, she sings many songs. The first one that she sings is, How should I you true love know. This song could be her recalling the death of her father; He is dead and gone lady, he is dead and gone. This is the first thing that comes into her mind to sing about, so it must be the thing that is foremost in her mind. It could also be that she is recalling how Hamlet is now lost to her, and she is still looking for her true love, because it seems obvious that she has not found him yet. However, the rest of the songs seem to be about Hamlet, as they are about lost love and some of them imply that Ophelia had been sexually intimate with Hamlet; Quoth she, before you tumbled me you promised me to wed. It seems that both her father and Hamlet are responsible for Ophelias madness, and this is reiterated by what Ophelia sings about. Ophelia was controlled all the men in her life, and this was customary for the time, but it seems that they took too much of a hold on her, with none of them considering her feelings, for her father told her to no longer speak to Hamlet as it could affect his career, Laertes also told her to stay away from Hamlet and Hamlet was cruel to her. She also says, after her first song; They say the owl was a bakers daughter. This could just be nonsense, but it could also be referring to her father, saying that once she was the daughter of a man in the court, but now she is just the daughter of a dead old man. Polonius did help the corruption in Denmark, such as spying and trying to make sure his own career was safe, and because of him Ophelia is mad. Hamlet also said that he loved Ophelia, and whereas before he was tender, due to the corruption around him and his succumbing to it, he was a factor in Ophelias madness, which eventually led to her suicide. By the actions of people around her, Ophelia is tainted by the corruptness around, as Hamlet says in the beginning of the play says that she is pure, but later on says she is wanton like all women, and tells her; to a nunnery go. This could be to send her to be protected, or it could be a sarcastic remark telling her to go to a brothel.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Allocation of Resources in Cloud Server Using Lopsidedness

Allocation of Resources in Cloud Server Using Lopsidedness B. Selvi, C. Vinola, Dr. R. Ravi Abstract– Cloud computing plays a vital role in the organizations resource management. Cloud server allows dynamic resource usage based on the customer needs. Cloud server achieves efficient allocation of resources through virtualization technology. It addresses the system that uses the virtualization technology to allocate the resources dynamically based on the demands and saves energy by optimizing the number of server in use. It introduces the concept to measure the inequality in multi-dimensional resource utilization of a server. The aim is to enlarge the efficient resource utilization system that avoids overload and save energy in cloud by allocating the resources to the multiple clients in an efficient manner using virtual machine mapping on physical system and Idle PMs can be turned off to save energy. Index Terms-cloud computing, resource allocation, virtual machine, green computing. I. Introduction In cloud computing provides the service in an efficient manner. Dynamically allocate the resources to multiple cloud clients at the same time over the network. Now-a-Days many of the business organizations using the concept of cloud computing due to the advantage with resource management and security management. A cloud computing network is a composite system with a large number of shared multiple resources. These are focus to unpredictable needs and can be affected by outside events beyond the control. Cloud resource allocation management requires composite policies and decisions for multi-objective optimization. It is extremely difficult because of the convolution of the system, which makes it impracticable to have accurate universal state information. It is also subject to continual and unpredictable communications with the surroundings. The strategies for cloud resource allocation management associated with the three cloud delivery models, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS), differ from one another. In all cases, the cloud providers are faced with huge, sporadic loads that contest the claim of cloud flexibility. Virtualization is the single most efficient way to decrease IT expenses while boosting effectiveness and liveliness not only for large enterprise, but for small and mid budget organizations also. Virtualization technology has advantages over the following aspects. Run multi-operating systems and applications on a single computer. Combine hardware to get hugely higher productivity from smaller number of servers. Save 50 percent or more on general IT costs. Speed up and make things easier IT management, maintenance, and the consumption of new applications. The system aims to achieve two goals: The capability of a physical machine (PM) should be enough to satisfy the resource requirements of all virtual machines (VMs) running on it. Otherwise, the Physical machine is overload and degrades performance of its VMs. The number of PMs used should be minimized as long as they can still satisfy the demands of all VMs. Idle physical machine can be turned off to save energy. There is an intrinsic exchange between the two goals in the face of altering resource needs of VMs. For overload avoidance, the system should keep the utilization of PMs Low to reduce the possibility of overload in case the resource needs of VMs increase later. For green computing, the system should keep the utilization of PMs reasonably high to make efficient use of their energy. It presents the design and implementation of an efficient resource allocation system that balance between the two goals. The following aids are, The development of an efficient resource allocation system that avoids overload in the system effectively while minimizing the number of servers use. To introduce the concept of â€Å"lopsidedness† to measure the uneven utilization of a server. By minimizing lopsidedness, the system improves the overall utilization of servers in the face of multidimensional resource constraints. To implement a load prediction algorithm that can capture the future resource usages of applications accurately without looking inside the VMs. Fig.1 System Architecture II. System Overview The architecture of the system is presents in Fig.1. The physical machine runs with VMware hypervisor (VMM) that supports VM0 and one or more VMs in cloud server. Each VM can contain one or more applications residing it. All physical machines can share the same storage space. The mapping of VMs to PMs is maintains by VMM. Information collector node (ICN) collects the information about VMs resource status that runs on VM0. The virtual machine monitor creates and monitors the virtual machine. The CPU scheduling and network usage monitoring is manage by VMM. Assume with available sampling technique can measure the working set size on each virtual machine. The information collects at each physical machine and passes the information to the admin controller (AC). AC connects with VM Allocator that activated periodically and gets information from the ICN resource needs history of VMs, and status of VMs. The allocator has several components. The Indicator Indicates the future demands of virtual machine and total load value for physical machine. The ICN at each node attempts to satisfy the input demands locally by adjusting the resource allocation of VMs sharing the same VMM. The hotspot remover in VM allocator spots if the resource exploitation of any PM is above the Hot Point. If so, then some VMs runs on the particular PM will be move away to another PM to reduce the selected PM load. The cold spot remover identifies the system that is below the average utilization (Cold point) of actively used PMs. If so, then it some PMs turned off to save energy. Finally, the exodus list passes to the admin controller. III. The Lopsidedness Algorithm The resource allocation system introduces the concept of lopsidedness to measure the unevenness in the utilization of multiple resources on a server. Let consider n be the number of resources and let consider ri be the exploitation of the ith resource. To define the resource lopsidedness of a server p by considering r is the average utilization of resources in server p. In practice, not all types of resources are performance critical and then consider bottleneck resources in the above calculation. By minimizing the lopsidedness, the system can combine different types of workloads nicely and improve the overall utilization of server resources. A. Hot and Cold Points The system executes periodically to evaluate the resource allocation status based on the predicted future resource demands of VMs. The system defines a server as a hot spot if the utilization of any of its resources is above a hot threshold. This indicates that the server is overloaded and hence some VMs running on it should be migrated away. The system defines the temperature of a hot spot p as the square sum of its resource utilization beyond the hot threshold. Consider R is the set of overloaded resources in server p and rt is the hot threshold for resource r. (Note that only overloaded resources are considered in the calculation.) The temperature of a hot spot reflects its degree of overload. If a server is not a hot spot, its temperature is zero. The system defines a server as a cold spot if the utilizations of all its resources are below a cold threshold. This indicates that the server is mostly idle and a potential candidate to turn off to save energy. However, the system does so only when the average resource utilization of all actively used servers (i.e., APMs) in the system is below a green computing threshold. A server is actively used if it has at least one VM running. Otherwise, it is inactive. Finally, The system define the warm threshold to be a level of resource utilization that is sufficiently high to justify having the server running but not so high as to risk becoming a hot spot in the face of temporary fluctuation of application resource demands. Different types of resources can have different thresholds. For example, the system can define the hot thresholds for CPU and memory resources to be 90 and 80 percent, respectively. Thus a server is a hot spot if either its CPU usage is above 90 percent or its memory usage is above 80 percent. B. Hot Spot Reduction The system sort the list of hot spots in the system in descending temperature (i.e., the system handle the hottest one first). Our goal is to eliminate all hot spots if possible. Otherwise, keep their temperature as low as possible. For each server p, the system first decides which of its VMs should be migrated away. The system sort its list of VMs based on the resulting temperature of the server if that VM is migrated away. The system aims to migrate away the VM that can reduce the server’s temperature the most. In case of ties, the system selects the VM whose removal can reduce the lopsidedness of the server the most. For each VM in the list, the system sees if the system can find a destination server to accommodate it. The server must not become a hot spot after accepting this VM. Among all such servers, the system select one whose lopsidedness can be reduced the most by accepting this VM. Note that this reduction can be negative which means the system selects the server wh ose lopsidedness increases the least. If a destination server is found, the system records the migration of the VM to that server and updates the predicted load of related servers. Otherwise, the system moves onto the next VM in the list and try to find a destination server for it. As long as the system can find a destination server for any of its VMs the system consider this run of the algorithm a success and then move onto the next hot spot. Note that each run of the algorithm migrates away at most one VM from the overloaded server. This does not necessarily eliminate the hot spot, but at least reduces its temperature. If it remains a hot spot in the next decision run, the algorithm will repeat this process. It is possible to design the algorithm so that it can migrate away multiple VMs during each run. But this can add more load on the related servers during a period when they are already overloaded. The system decides to use this more conservative approach and leave the system s ome time to react before initiating additional migrations. IV. System Analysis In Cloud Environment, the user has to give request to download the file. This request will be store and process by the server to respond the user. It checks the appropriate sub server to assign the task. A job scheduler is a computer application for controlling unattended background program execution; job scheduler is create and connects with all servers to perform the user requested tasks using this module. In User Request Analysis, the requests are analyze by the scheduler before the task is give to the servers. This module helps to avoid the task overloading by analyzing the nature of the users request. Fist it checks the type of the file going to be download. The users request can be the downloading request of text, image or video file. In Server Load value, the server load value is identifies for job allocation. To reduce the over load, the different load values are assign to the server according to the type of the processing file. If the requested file is text, then the minimum load value will be assign by the server. If it is video file, the server will assign high load value. If it is image file, then it will take medium load value. In Server Allocation, the server allocation task will take place. To manage the mixed workloads, the job-scheduling algorithm is follow. In this the scheduling, depends upon the nature of the request the load values are assign dynamically. Minimum load value server will take high load value job for the next time. High load value server will take minimum load value job for next time. The aim is to enlarge the efficient resource utilization system that avoids overload and save energy in cloud by allocating the resources to the multiple clients in an efficient manner using virtual machine mapping on physical system and Idle PMs can be turned off to save energy. Fig. 2 Comparison graph IV. Conclusion It presented by the design, implementation and evaluation of efficient resource allocation system for cloud computing services. Allocation system multiplexes by mapping virtual to physical resources based on the demand of users. The contest here is to reduce the number of dynamic servers during low load without sacrificing performance. Then it achieves overload avoidance and saves energy for systems with multi resource constraints to satisfy the new demands locally by adjusting the resource allocation of VMs sharing the same VMM and some of not used PMs could potentially be turn off to save energy. Future work can on prediction algorithm to improve the stability of resource allocation decisions and plan to explore using AI or control theoretic approach to find near optimal values automatically. References [1] Anton Beloglazov and Rajkumar Buyya (2013), ‘Managing Overloaded Hosts For Dynamic Consolidation of Virtual Machines In Cloud Data Centers Under Quality of Service Constraints’, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 1366-1379. [2] Ayad Barsoum and Anwar Hasan (2013), ’Enabling Dynamic Data And Indirect Mutual Trust For Cloud Computing Storage Systems’, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 24, No. 12, pp. 2375-2385. [3] Daniel Warneke, and Odej Kao (2011), ‘Exploiting Dynamic Resource Allocation For Efficient Parallel Data Processing In The Cloud’, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 985-997. [4] Fung Po Tso and Dimitrios P. 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Concepts of Monopoly and Competition

Concepts of Monopoly and Competition Monopolistic competition is a particular market structure which means there are a large number of small firms and companies whose products and services are slightly differentiated with other competitors. (Stephen, I Stuart, W. 2007: 147) Such as food market, apparel market, light industry product market. The characteristics of monopolistic competition can divided into several parts. As Hunter (1969:19) said, to begin with, product differentiation includes both internal and external differences. Internal differences contain quality, capability and so on. External differences contain packing, advertising and so on. Moreover, the consumption of firms and industries are more. In addition, it is more easily for companies to enter the market due to no requirement for too much investment and no need for high technology. Furthermore, manufactures have a slight impact on prices which causes high influence in short run and low influence in long run. Last of all, they face the downward sloping section of its curve which means the elasticity is less than perfect competitive market and more than pure monopolistic market. Monopolistic competition is also called imperfect competition that combines the characteristics both of perfect competition and monopoly. In perfect competition, goods and services are identical so that firms can entry freely. In contrast, pure monopoly just has a single seller because their goods are unique and firms who have monopolistic power are as a price maker. Unlike these two structures, monopolistic competition has its own features between them. Long run defined that in a long period of time, whole scale of production can be varied. Normal profit is the minimum amount required to keep a firm in its current line of production. Monopolistic competition in the long run allows firms enter and exit until they are making exactly zero economic profit. From the diagram, it is easily to see the existence of supernormal profit gives much more freedom to the industry who wants to enter, and then the competition makes firms earn normal profit in the long run. To analyze the figures, firstly, consumers need to pay higher price than that paid in perfect competition because of the average cost curve is above the minimum point. (Stephen, I Stuart, W. 2007: 149)Secondly, price exceeds marginal cost which leads to more profit for the monopolistically competitive firm. Thirdly, there is excess capacity in the monopolistic competition in the long run. E which shows that the average cost curve is tangential to the demand curve is a balanced poin t. F shows the average cost at the minimum level. This situation causes the demand and marginal revenue curves move to the left. (Stephen, I Stuart, W. 2007: 149)While at the same time, the market system reaches the equilibrium which illustrates that no encouragement for new firms to entry and no encouragement for former companies exit. What is most important is to analyze the process of the monopolistic competition in the long run. There is an explanation illustrates that the super profits induce other firms to enter, because of barriers is small, other manufactures can through the imitation and innovation to start making a profit market faces decline in demand. As a result, the curve happen a movement in order to become more elastic and flexible. (Huge, G. Ray, R. 2004:187) Assume there is no changeable for cost curve and move the demand curve to the balanced point which is tangential to the average cost, until the prices equals to costs, resulting in profits for the long run equilibrium state of zero. There are many possible reasons for why monopolistic competitive market structure can only make normal profit. For example, first and foremost, the main reason for that is the supply increases, but at the same time the demand of products or services are stay in the same level, so there are surplus for industries. In order to sell products, supplier will decrease the price which may gives them chances to attract consumers and put losses to a minimum. When the prices fall as same as the cost, firms can just get the normal profit. (Shepherd, W. G. Shepherd, J. M. 2004:43)In addition, more and more firms enter the market system, because it is easy and no barriers so that firms are just do like other former firms, as time goes by, no innovation causes consumers do not have any more demand for goods which also lead the decreased price. Furthermore, in the long run, on the one hand, firms can not easily to cancel the large amount of investment. On the other hand, firms need to change all f actors of production to get more capacity which is very difficult. Last but not at least, although the products of monopolistic competition are different from each other but they still can be instead of other products. If other firms which can produce better quality goods appear, people will more likely to buy. In this situation, old firms need to change their price into low degree so that they can make sure their losses are in a minimum point. Hunter (1969:161) emphasizes that a company just make normal profit can continue its business. The key points to keep balance are demand curve is tangential to average cost, Po=AC and MR=MC. For instance, real estate market now is belonging to monopolistic competitive market. There are many kinds of real estate market which are different but still have some similarities. In these markets which have smaller differences between each other, there will be more competitions. Most of the real estate sellers try to get power to close to monopoly which can reduce more competitions. Change the quality of goods and rise up the promotion are two methods that always seen in society. But just in a short run, they can get abnormal profit unless they become pure monopoly. To conclude, monopolistic competition is a special market structure which related to its features and characteristics. The profit they can make in long run is only the normal profit which depends on the reasons above. It is a nature process and phenomenon. References: Hunter, A. (1969). Monopoly and competition. Penguin, Harmondsworth. Huge, G. Ray, R. ( 2004). Microeconomics. Harlow: Prentice Hall/ Financial Times. Stephen, I. Stuart, W. (2007). Economics. Great Britain, Ashford Colour Press, Hampshire. Shepherd, W. G. Shepherd, J. M. (2004). The economics of industrial organization. Long Grove, Ill.: Waveland Press.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

John Steinbeck: A Common Mans Man :: essays research papers fc

John Steinbeck: A Common Man's Man "I never wrote two books alike", once said John Steinbeck (Shaw, 10). That may be true, but I think that he wrote many of his novels and short stories based on many of the same views. He often focused on social problems, like the â€Å" haves† verses the "have nots", and made the reader want to encourage the underdog. Steinbeck's back ground and concern for the common man made him one of the best writers for human rights. John Steinbeck was born in Salians, California and spent most of his life there or around Salians, because of that he often modeled his stories and the characters around the land he loved and the experiences he encountered. He lived in Salians until 1919, when he left for Stanford University, he only enrolled in the courses that pleased him - literature, creative writing and majoring in Marine Biology. He left in 1925, without a degree. Even though he didn't graduate his books showed the results of his five years spent there. His books display a considerable reading of the Greek and Roman historians, and the medieval and Renaissance fabalists and the biological sciences (Shaw 11). He then moved to New York and tried his hand as a construction worker and as a reporter for the American. (Covici , xxxv). Steinbeck then moved back to California and lived with his wife at Pacific Grove. In 1934, he wrote for the San Franciso News, he was assigned to write several articles about the 3,000 migrants flooded in at Kings County. The plight of the migrant workers motivated him to help and document their struggle. The money he earned from the newspaper allowed him to travel to their home and see why their reason for leaving and traveled to California with them, sharing in with their hardships (Steinbeck, 127). Because John Steinbeck was able to travel with the Okies, he was able to accurately portray them and their struggles. Each book that he wrote had settings in the places where he has either lived or wanted to live. He presented the land as it was. The characters in his stories experienced floods, drought, and other natural disasters, while in the Salians Valley (Shaw, 5). What Steinbeck wrote was very factual and in depth. He exhibited his awareness of man and his surroundings, in his early books, before people ate, a pig had to be slaughtered, and often that and before they ate, it had to be cooked. Also when a car broke down, the characters had to find parts, and fixed

Friday, July 19, 2019

Fields of Battle: The Wars for North America :: Essays Papers

Fields of Battle: The Wars for North America John Keegan, the author of Fields of Battle: The Wars for North America (334 pgs), is a very distinguished military historian. Keegan attended Oxford University, in England, his place of birth. He was Delmas Distinguished Professor of History at Vassar in fall 1997. He was a Fellow of Princeton University in 1984 and Lecturer in Military History at Cambridge, 1986-87. From 1960-1986 he was Senior Lecturer in Military History at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. Since 1986 he has been Defense Editor of The Daily Telegraph. He was awarded the OBE in the Gulf War honors list, 1991. He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, and a Doctor of Laws of the University of New Brunswick. He is a Visitor of Hugh Sexey's Hospital, Bruton, and is a Trustee of the National Heritage Memorial and Heritage Lottery Funds. He was the BBC Reith Lecturer for 1998, and has lectured at countless other places around the world. John Keegan is also the aut hor of many other military-history books like The Face of Battle, The Second World War, Who’s Who in Military History, and A History of Warfare, to name a few. Despite being English, Keegan professes his love for America, but interestingly, not for Americans. Keegan says that he has visited America more than fifty times, whether for business or pleasure, but never even hints at having the desire to make the good ole’ U.S.A. his place of residence. Nonetheless, he certainly has a great knowledge of North America and its history of warfare. Fields of Battle: The Wars for North America is sort of a semi-autobiography of John Keegan’s life. At the beginning, end, and countless parts throughout the book, Keegan makes references to trips to America, his childhood conceptions of America, places he has lectured, famous people he met (Bill Clinton included), and old battlefields he has visited. The rest of the book contains very detailed accounts of the major battles fought on North American soil. This begins with the settling of North America by the British and French and their battle for dominance. Next, Keegan covers The Revolutionary War (or The War of Independence, as it is called in England). Then we are informed about the Civil War, wars against the native Indians, and finally about the invention of the airplane and its importance and effect on warfare in more recent years.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Speech Recognition Software :: Essays Papers

Speech Recognition Software Throughout the past 100 years, we have had visions of what the future would be like thanks to the creative minds behind movies and television shows. Many predictions as to what the future would be like have come true, while others are still far off. One element that can be seen in almost all futuristic fictional forms is that of speech recognition. Right now, developers are hard at work trying to make speech recognition an aspect of every day life. It is far from this final destination, but that’s not to say it isn’t a technology that is being used today. Several elementary products are available now that utilize speech recognition software technology. Speech recognition is a revolutionary technology in software development that will change the way we interact with our digital world. Speech recognition has been created and researched for many valid reasons. The main purpose of the technology is a way for humans to interact with computers and other digital devices by simply speaking. They can not only tell the computer commands, but they can speak normally while the computer converts the speech into text. This improves input speed to the computer because a person can speak much faster than they can use their hands typing or controlling the mouse. This is also an advancement that helps people with disabilities (Connections). People with arthritis, weak bones, or other medial conditions may have a hard time typing and using the mouse. Blind people can’t even see computer screens to check for spelling mistakes or to see where the mouse cursor is on the screen. Speech recognition can help these disabled people interact with computers in ways that were previously impossible. The software itself does most of the work, and the user essentially only has to speak at the speed the program can operate. There are a few different types of voice recognition software, all programmed to interpret a vocal signal inputted by the user. In order to use the software, the user must use a headset or some other microphone-type device that allows for vocal input. The technology works as follows: the analog signal from the voice cones in through the microphone, that signal is converted to digital, and the voice software interprets the digital signal.

Checks And Balances And Seperation Of Powers

The Constitution nowhere contains an express injunction to preserve the boundaries of the three broad powers it grants, nor does it expressly enjoin maintenance of a system of checks and balances. Yet, it does grant to three separate branches the powers to legislate, to execute, and to adjudicate, and it provides throughout the document the means by which each of the branches could resist the blandishments and incursions of the others. The Framers drew up our basic charter against a background rich in the theorizing of scholars and statesmen regarding the proper ordering in a system of government of conferring sufficient power to govern while withholding the ability to abridge the liberties of the governed.The Theory Elaborated and ImplementedWhen the colonies separated from Great Britain following the Revolution, the framers of their constitutions were imbued with the profound tradition of separation of powers, and they freely and expressly embodied in their charters the principle.2 But the theory of checks and balances was not favored because it was drawn from Great Britain, and, as a consequence, violations of the separation–of–powers doctrine by the legislatures of the States were common[p.64]place events prior to the convening of the Convention.3 As much as theory did the experience of the States furnish guidance to the Framers in the summer of 1787.4The doctrine of separation of powers, as implemented in drafting the Constitution, was based on several principles generally held: the separation of government into three branches, legislative, executive, and judicial; the conception that each branch performs unique and identifiable functions that are appropriate to each; and the limitation of the personnel of each branch to that branch, so that no one person or group should be able to serve in more than one branch simultaneously.To a great extent, the Constitution effectuated these principles, but critics objected to what they regarded as a curi ous intermixture of functions, to, for example, the veto power of the President over legislation and to the role of the Senate in the appointment of executive officers and judges and in the treaty–making process. It was to these objections that Madison turned in a powerful series of essays.Madison recurred to â€Å"the celebrated† Montesquieu, the â€Å"oracle who is always consulted,† to disprove the contentions of the critics. â€Å"[T]his essential precaution in favor of liberty,† that is, the separation of the three great functions of government had been achieved, but the doctrine did not demand rigid separation. Montesquieu and other theorists â€Å"did not mean that these departments ought to have no partial agency in, or controul over, the acts of each other,† but rather liberty was endangered â€Å"where the whole power of one department is exercised by the same hands which possess the whole power of another department.†That the doct rine did not demand absolute separation provided the basis for preservation of separation of powers in action. Neither sharply drawn demarcations of institutional boundaries nor appeals to the electorate were sufficient.7 Instead, the security against concentration of powers â€Å"consists in giving to those who administer each department the necessary constitutional means and personal motives to resist encroachments of the others.† Thus, â€Å"[a]mbition must be made to[p.65]counteract ambition. The interest of the man must be connected with the constitutional rights of the place.†

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Factors of Career Choice

c beer cream confine 1. macrocosm 1. 1 govern doing repelt epochncy 1. 2Objective and Subjective Cons checkts 1. 3Key Theories of occupational plectrum 1. 3. 1Develop flirtforcetal Theory 1. 3. 2Structural Theory 1. 3. 3RIASEC Model 2. Factors of occupational pickax 2. 1Family and Class 2. 2Neighbourhood and confederate classify 2. 3 give lessons and Education 2. 4Race 2. 5Gender 2. 5. 1 even and Vertical Segregation 2. 5. 2Pay 2. 5. 3Hours trifleed 2. 5. 4Orientations to Work 3. Solution of Constraints and Obstacles to occupational Choices 4. final result 5. References 1.Introduction The occupational picking debate is touch on with the degree of choice case-by-cases dumbfound oer their eventual occupation. (Module handbook) The process of occupational choice is psychologically based and examines the way in which the several(prenominal) develops and passes through a serial of stages during which the self-c formerlypt grows as abilities, aptitudes and interes ts develop. (Watson T. J. 2008) This assign ment is attempting the factors that whitethorn keep or affect communitys occupational choices and how we rat strike them. . 1 mathematical function Role reanimates an important part in human-being, it give the axe function a souls behaviour and finis making. Role may be achieved or ascribed. The concept of an achieved and ascribed berth is important in occupation choice. (Module Handbook) grim (2007) states that An achieved part is a position that a person assumes voluntarily which reflects in the flesh(predicate) skills, abilities, and effort. An ascribed comp int part is a position assigned to case-by-cases or groups with expose regard for merit but because of trusted traits beyond their control. (wikipedia) An achieved de borderination stick out be changed and gained through personneluateting efforts by a person, e. g. educational qualifications. On the another(prenominal) hands, an ascribed quality is unchange able. This role is assigned to you by your p atomic number 18nts or family, e. g. height, sexual urge, rich or poor, status, and so on The role of a person provide incline ones occupational choice. In general, spate who admit advantages in their ascribed role, it comprehend to postulate advantages in their public life route or development as well. whatsoever heap can act as model, and some cannot, because of the height of a person.Fortunately, states achieved role can originate this normal excogitation. If people can put efforts and reach to higher(prenominal) educational train, they can in any case earn the opportunity on their locomote development and locomote as middle or top level caution in a company. muckle cannot change fundamental elements but can change their path through their effort. Thus, peoples achieved and ascribed role can change the finality when they be making closing on occupational choice. 1. 2Objective and Subjective ConstraintsIf we pri vation to product a model or theory which identifies the various factors that work on the individuals occupational choice, we must deal twain accusing and subjective constraints. The individual has certain tangible resources much(prenominal) as cash, skills, kat onceledge or physique, which are aim constraints. The individual has certain intangible minds of motives, interests and impartations, much(prenominal) as to achieve power or gain mull over satisfaction, which all are subjective constraints. These are psychological factors of personal exploit. 1. 3Key Theories of occupational Choice . 3. 1Developmental Theory Eli Ginzberg (1951) defines an individual never reaches the ultimate decision at single flake in magazine but through a series of decisions over time. (module handbook) It is the Developmental Theory of occupational choice. E. Ginzberg looks at occupational choice as a cumulative process of decision making, taking place in trine stages closely linked to thos e of emotional and capable development. Fantasy choice is fol piteoused by a period provisionary choice, then in conclusion at that place is a period of existent choice. (White S. 968) Peoples occupational choice do not occur merely at the moment on the decision making, but is an ex extended process which may begin as early as ten or twelve and cover well beyond the choice of a first billet. (White S. 1968) Fantasy choice is occurring at the age between 6-11 when the two-year-oldsterren move over no ideas intimately the real-life point, all things are imaginative and delivered to them by their parents. When the children grow at the age of 11-17, the k instantlyledge of the real world increases, they assured of themselves and the outside environment, and they stupefys tentative choice on the basis of their own interests. . 3. 2Structural Theory The morphologic theory is that the entry points of the occupational affectionate structure are impacting on ambition of people. concord to Keil et al, they include family background and place, neighbourhood and couple group, school and education, gender and expedite. 1. 3. 3RIASEC Model Holland (1973/1985) unquestionable a psychological approach to line peoples occupational electences and helps meet a persons choices and organisational characteristics. (module handbook) It is referred to as RIASEC.RIASEC indicates Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional. By the research of chinawares high school students, we implant that the R type is a in truth typical male-oriented type of vocation and girls, on the other hand, were to a greater extent interested in the A-type field and tended to pack artistic fields as their life historys. (Tien H. L. , Wang Y. F. and Liu L. C. 2009) 2. Factors and Obstacles affecting Occupational Choice People do not inclose the occupational structure with equal opportunities. in that location are many factors and obstacles that ca n influence the choice-making on occupation of people, we are now focus on the factors in structural theory, including family and class, neighbourhood and peer group, school and education, race and gender. 2. 1Family and Class When the children at the age of 6-17, which is in the stage of fantasy choice and tentative choice, they depend on their parents generally. Thus, the patents expectations for educational achievement, tenets and behaviors go forth affect the childrens prospective development.The amaze up Socialization Model developed by Eccles and colleague (1982) has highlighted the important role parents renovate in the development of childrens achievement choices. The belief of parents leave behind then influence parenting behaviors and expectations, which, in turn, will affect child outcomes such as educational and career choices. (Jacobs, J. E. , Chhin C. S. and Bleeker M. M. 2006) Moreover, as the family background of a person on his or her ascribed role cannot be changed, family network and status also play important role on occupational choice. The structure of a family an individual face when he or she was growing up may affect the individuals social skills and lead to human great investments and parental education appears to have an confirmatory effect on childrens occupational status through childrens education. (Tsukahara, I. 2007) Grieco (1987) shows how this can be helpful both to the employee, who gains erect from family members both inside and outside work and is sustained in steady employment, and for employers, whose recruitment costs are kept low and who can look to employees relatives to help train them and teach them to fit in. (Watson T. J. 2008) arrest up not every people will choose the same career as their parents, most people appear to have a high probability to make similar choices. Rather, parents education also appears to have an indirect effect on childrens occupational choices through the childrens educatio n. For example, if the parents perceived a positive effect on the professional occupations, the children will then also have a positive effect on the professional occupations in prospective. 2. 2Neighbourhood and Peer multitude People can bask social experience through the feeling of neighbourhood and peer group, such as friends and teachers.As these peer groups always tell apart in peoples forward stage, such as school life, they have tenacious-term consequences for ones belief and value. Teachers, parents, peers, and others may influence youths achievement and interests long before educational and occupational decisions are made. (Jacabs, J. E. 2006) These peer groups can provide people social support and encouragement however, the groups may also provide somehow of ostracise impact if wrong perception and education are provided. 2. 3School and Education Formal reading operate alongside the general cultural and family culture process. (Watson T. J. 2008) Willis (1977) states education as a have of preparation for the way those particular individuals will need to live with their subservient roles once they enter paid employment. (Watson T. J. 2008) The traffics which people choose were influenced by the level of educational qualifications they achieved. The to a greater extent professional of the jobs, the more skills and abilities are needed, and the more rewards (both monetary and non-monetary) can earn.On the contrast, on that point are more limitations on occupational choice for people who have glare educational level. 2. 4Race Race or heathenish Discrimination is also undoubtedly playacting a major role in occupational attainment. The research project conducted by Cardoso P. and Marques J. F. (2008) about The information of Career Barriers register found that African and Afro Portuguese students make water significantly higher than Euro-Portuguese students on heathenish Discrimination.The Ethnic Discrimination results highlight h ow, at the early stages of development and at all important(p) career decision moments, when these beliefs are structured, a negative influence on vocational behaviour development can occur. (Cardoso P. and Marques J. F. 2008) Melamed (1995) cerebrate that dissimilitude accounted for between 55% and 62% of the variance in the contraryial career success of men and women in a British sample. (Brown D. 2002) Although the wide-spread prevalence of race discrimination in most countries, the limitations and difficulties in career choices and development of these minority groups are alleviate high. . 5Gender Gender will be a major factor in the career choices. Due to the role conflicts between men and women, a study found that women in Israel, Germany, the United States, and Japan assigned cast down importance to the centrality of work in their lives than did men.. this is the result of womens orientation to other life roles, primarily because of womens bear upon regarding partici pation in the family role. (Brown D. 2002) By the thought narrative of Third Quarter scotch Report 2010 in the sectionalisation of savvy Force Participation Rates by rouse (www. enstatd. gov. hk), the data shows the participation rates of male employees is 68. 9% and distaff employees is 52. 2% in the third quarter of 2010. The moment of women who engaged in labour force is palliate dismantle than men. We are now analyzing the gender by three sections naiant and vertical segregation, pay, and hours worked. 2. 5. 1Horizontal and Vertical Segregation Horizontal segregation is the term used to learn the tendency to discover men and women in contrasting types of occupation. (Module Handbook) For example, by the survey of yearbook section of male and womanish managers by job function, female managers are mainly in the functions of personnel & teach and conference & banqueting, whilst management posts in the areas of property & security, food & drinking, and control & f inance are mostly held by men in 1999 in Hong Kong. (Ng C. W. and Pine R. 2003) By the survey report of Women and workforce in Hong Kong Key Statistics in the section of sedulous Persons by diligence and call down (www. censtatd. gov. k), the female use persons were mainly engaged in the public administration, social and personal answers sector (35. 9%), dapple data of the male employed persons was different, with the financing, insurance, real estate, professional and business service sector being the largest sector (18. 2%) in 2009. Vertical segregation is the term used to describe the situation where, the higher one progresses in an organizational or professional hierarchy, the hardly a(prenominal)er the number of females one encounters. (Module Handbook) Morrison et al. 1987) coined a term of glass crown to describe the difficulties women face in come up to the top of the corporate ladder. (Ng C. W. and Pine R. 2003) Although the function of women who studied law an d medical and health subjects is over 60%, the opportunities to promote is still obstruct by the glass roof, such as traditional value and family responsibility. (Ming Pao newspaper) For example, by the survey of annual percentage of male and female managers by job level, barely 7. 2% of aged(a) General Manager positions were held by women in 1999 in Hong Kong. Ng C. W. and Pine R. 2003) concord to the record of Hong Kong Listing Companies, there is only 9% of women in the top management level who mostly were entered by the role of family members. (Ming Pao Newspaper) By the survey report of Women and Men in Hong Kong Key Statistics in the section of Employed Persons by Occupation and Sex (www. censtatd. gov. hk), the figures show there are 96,500 women and 229,800 men in the Managers and Administrators role, while there are 398,800 women and 149,600 men in the Clerks role. R 2. 5. 2Pay full-time working women earn 82. % of mens hourly pay. (Module Handbook) According to Wome n and Men in Hong Kong Key Statistics in the section of normal Monthly traffic Earnings of Employed Persons by Age Group and Sex, the median monthly earnings of female employed persons in Hong Kong was HK$8,500 in 2009 while that for males was HK$12,000. (www. censtatd. gov. hk) By the survey of , over 70% of people indicated that Hong Kong is still have excite discrimination in career environment which mens paid are more than women even they are on the same positions. . 5. 3Hours Worked Even the labour commercialise participation of women has increased dramatically in many countries, the hours worked of women are still lower than men due to the different orientations to work. hakim (1996, 2000) states that whereas in general men prefer to work, women show a heterogeneous circumstances of work-life orientations some women prefer to work, others indigence to brook at home and almost half(prenominal) of them prefer to combine work and family life. (Doorewaard H, Hendrickx J and Verschuren P. 004) The data indicated that although many women are entered or re-entered into the labour market, they are still pauperism to have work-life balance, especially for those women who are marital and have children, it is also the barrier of women in the career path both very or in peoples traditional perceptions. 2. 5. 4Orientations to Work Orientations to work to different people are varying. People face to be motivated to work by a mixture of options, e. g. earning money, developing their careers, gaining status, etc.According to Crompton and Harris (1998), it is not only influenced by someones own choice and motivation, but also by the constraints of the situations in which one lives and works. (Doorewaard H, Hendrickx J and Verschuren P. 2004) It can scarce distinguish into three types of work orientations job orientation, money orientation and people orientation. Watson (1994) verbalize life fortune and the specific circumstances prevailing in the work s ituation influence what they are looking for and what they expect to get. (Martin E. 2004) Hence, orientations to work are also barriers to occupational choice if the job itself cannot fit in ones orientation. 3. Solution of Constraints and Obstacles to Occupational Choices It is no doubt that the work imitate and norm is constantly changing nearly the world, however, this change can help to switch some of the constraints of occupational choices. The past few decades have been marked by a significant growth in womens labour force participation in most countries. Although women play a stronger stinting role than in the previous decades, men are usually the primary breadwinners in families. Women, who function as secondary earners, tend to have half-time and other unacceptable employment. (Kan M. Y. 2007) Those nonstandard employments, such as part-time job, temporary jobs, psychological contract, will be more commonalty in the future work. The nature of formal contracts has al tered, with more short-run contracts.. sub-contracting and out-sourcing redactments have become more common and are part of a set of strategic HRM options. (Westwood R. , hedge sparrow P. and Leung A. 2001) Furthermore, the increasing of womanish management style in both government and private companies where a more flexible and feminine approach to management, such as flexible work family arrangements, Family gracious Working Practices in Hong Kong. This style helps women who want to balance between work and family life. Additionally, the work pattern of 10 years in employment and 10 years out which is a flexibility approach for people who want to have a snap off for few years and return to work, e. . female returners who seek to re-enter the workforce later on a few years of rent- stop care-taking responsibilities. At the time of making occupational choice, people are still young and privation of familiarity and experience. People make choices based on imperfect knowledg e and uneven distribution of knowledge and at a young age. (Module Handbook) To prevent in making wrong decision and lack of confidence from the students, school and teachers can arrange some experienced people to make out their real experience and give more support to them.Luzzo (2000) proposes to help students think about the role that perceived barriers play in the career planning and exploration process, and to attain effective resources and strategies for coping with such barriers. (Cardoso P. and Marques J. F. 2008) 4. Conclusion Every people have different choices on career and different orientations to work. And, there are some subjective and objective variables affecting the process of choosing the career. People have to identify them clearly in apply to find the most suitable job for them which is fitting with their interests, intentions and abilities. owever, those obstacles can be overcome through the changing work pattern and work management. In fact, many of these trends of future work are already with us today. We are all in the moment of changing atmosphere. 5. References Brown D. (2002). The role of work and cultural values in occupational choice, satisfaction, and success A theoretical bidding, ledger of Counseling and Development, Vol. 80, retail store 1, PP. 48-56 Cardoso P. and Marques J. F. (2008). Perception of career barriers The importance of gender and ethnic variables, world(prenominal) Journal for Educational & vocational Guidance, Vol. 8, no(prenominal) 1, PP. 9-61 Doorewaard H. , Hendrickx J. and Verschuren P. (2004). Work orientations of female returners, Work, use and Society, BSA Publications Ltd, Vol. 18(1), PP. 7-27 Eccles J. S. (1994). Understanding Womens Educational and Occupational Choices Applying the Eccles et al. Model of Achievement-Related Choices, Psychology of Women Quarterly, 18(1994), PP. 585-609 Jacobs, J. E. , Chhin C. S. and Bleeker M. M. (2006). Enduring golf links Parents expectations and their you ng prominent childrens gender-typed occupational choices, Educational question and Evaluation, Vol. 12, No. 4, PP. 395-407 Kan M. Y. (2007). Work Orientation and Wives Employment Careers An Evaluation of Hakims penchant Theory, Work and Occupations, Sage Publications, Vol. 34, No. 4, PP. 430-462 Martin E. (2004). Whos kicking whom? Employees orientations to work, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Vol. 6, No. 3, PP. 182-188 Module Handbook Management, Work and Society, University of Huddersfield, January 2011 Ng C. W. and Pine R. (2003). Women and men in hotel management in Hong Kong perceptions of gender and career development issues, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22(2003), PP. 5-102 Third Quarter economical Report 2010 (2010), Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Government Tien H. L. , Wang Y. F. and Liu L. C. (2009). The Role of Career Barriers in high School Students Career Choice Behavi or in Taiwan, The Career Development Quarterly, Vol. 57, Issue 3, PP. 274-288 Tsukahara, I. (2007). The Effect of Family Background on Occupational Choice, repulse Review of Labour Economics & Industrial Relations, Vol. 21, Issue 4/5, PP. 871-890 Watson T. J. (2008). Sociology, Work and Industry, Fifth Edition, Routledge Westwood R. , Sparrow P. nd Leung A. (2001). Challenges to the psychological contract in Hong Kong, International Journal of Human Resources Management, 124, PP. 621-651 White, S. (1968). The Process of Occupational Choice, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 6, Issue 2, PP. 166-184 Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, retrieved on 18 February 2011 Women and Men in Hong Kong Key Statistics (2010), Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Government , Ming Pao Newspaper retrieved on 15 February 2011 70% , 3,500? , wen Wei Po retrieved on 15 February 2011

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Health and Fitness on nutrition needs for body Essay

Health and Fitness on nutrition needs for body Essay

Nutrition for athletes Journal of sports science. 22(1): 39-55. (2004) Journal on Timing of Energy and Fluid Intake. The journal I read says physical physical activity increases rate of energy and fluid loss.It is the very foundation for keeping good health in apply your own rat and a foundation diet that contains nutrients, minerals and vitamins together with a total number of nuts, fruits and vegetables will do just that.Carbohydrates 7 to 8 g/kg body weight per day. Complex carbohydrates rather than sugars are preferred sources. high Protein in adult’s 1-2g/kg body weight per day. Protein in a child is 2g/kg body weight per day.The number is closely connected keyword with blood sugar control.

The more frequent the eating pattern, the lower the body fat and the higher the muscle mass. Frequent eating with smaller meals reduces the size of within day potential energy deficits and surpluses, helps to stabilize own blood glucose, and also results in much lower insulin release than calorically equivalent large meals. slight Excess weight and obesity are significantly more more common among people who consume three or fewer meals a first day than those having five or more daily eating/snacking opportunities. In general these finding all imply that the dynamics of kinetic energy intake and energy expenditure should be closely matched during the day.Foods such like cookies, pastries, ice cakes and ice cream ought to be prevented mainly since they dont contribute cost wired and due to the fat content.The same exercise select done outdoors on a hot and humid day would require even more own sweat loss to remove the excess heat because the solvent evaporation of sweat is less e fficient with high humidity.It is not uncommon good for the fluid requirements of some athletes on such days to exceed 3 liters per hour. A person gets thirsty after about 1.5 l of body water.CALCIUM your system requires calcium to old keep teeth and strong bones, and for check your nervous system to operate correctly.

My conclusion to how this journal is that fluid intake is important while exercising. Your body sweats and fluids what are needed. Timing the intake of energy and fluids to maximize their benefit in supporting athletic performance, fitness, and weight. Exercise uses energy logical and fluids which your body needs.The body requires water to live.Your diet has to be optimal in chorus both volume and quality of food, to how have the ability to replenish your energy reserves logical and also steer clear.Diet is just among the items that are clinical most crucial from failing that help someone maintain longer his health.

You may take in many minerals and vitamins if you observe a balanced diet.Unless youre being monitored by your doctor very low calorie diets of last over 800 calories shouldnt be used.Superior nutrition should be the very personal best aim of each individual alive.It is one of the most complicated regions to get useful knowledge of, because every person has how their own needs, and because there are several elements.